Running My Dream, 114 Boston Marathon, April 19, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Passion provides the fire in my belly for this journey

I had another sleep in this morning, as I left for my run at 6am. 5kms today which was a bit of a shock to the system to be only doing the 5 as I seemed to only get warmed up and it was time to turn for home. 
It's not until I do a small run like that, do I truly appreciate the mental toughness it takes to do the longer runs, like the one on Sunday of 34kms. I now have 2 big runs left before my Marathon, one this Sunday of 34km and the following Sunday of 30kms. I have to pinch myself to think it is so close now to the main event. My trainer calls it "The Big Kahuna". When I first heard that term I thought of the Maori Haka which I find an amazing thing to watch and feel. When the All Blacks do the Haka before a big match they say it does intimidate the opposition. Being a Kiwi I have always enjoyed the tribal stuff.
It's all about passion, isn't it. For anyone to be successful, I believe you have to have a passion, and that alone can carry you through. Passion for me provides the fire in my belly.

What about you? What are you passionate about?
Passion will make you BE GREAT!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What a beautiful cool morning for running 10km

What a beautiful cool morning for running, and today it was 10km. I enjoyed myself and I even got to sleep in until 5am. All the green leaves were sparkling in the morning sunlight after the overnight rain, it was a very pleasant sight. The sun was in one corner of the pool so once again I put my face to the morning sun.
I have so much to be grateful for, my good health, being fit and well, great family and friends and so many more wonderful things and opportunities to look forward to.
Today I am thinking of the 257,000 sufferers of Alzheimer's around Australia and their one million carers. I would have liked to have raised more money than I have so far. Do you know that almost every day I hear of someone who is a carer or someone who is suffering in some form or another in their own home?
I really do need some help from a big organization to help raise awareness and money for these wonderful people. Who do you know that can help me?


Monday, March 29, 2010

"Smiles never go up in price or down in value"

Went to the Boxing class at 6am this morning and it was full-on, with 500 abdominal exercises to finish the class, which is always good to keep me honest. 
I am constantly surprised at how good I feel the day after a big run. That's what I will look forward to in Boston after my Marathon, apart from the high I'm going to have at completing my life long dream.
The focus this week is to see if I can drop some more weight and keep running and be strong.
I saw this written on a shop window on Saturday and I wanted to share it with you all. "Smiles never go up in price or down in value"  It's such a cool thing don't you think?
So why don't we make this week as we lead up to Easter the week for smiling!
So let's Smile until our faces hurt. See how you go with that little task.
I think its also time for a little reminder of my most favorite saying " What other people think of me is none of my business"  

So go off now and do what you do best and all will be fantastic in your world.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

30kms and a strong finish today so that is a wonderful thing

30km again this morning and I was a bit sore after about 20km. I met up with Katherine at that point and had another Chi3Energy shot that picked me up a bit. With about 1km to go, I felt very good so I finished quite strong which amazed me. My time today was 2 mins faster than my 30km last week which I was surprised at, considering it felt much harder to complete. I guess you can never tell these things, and I know its all about moving forward. I am sure doing that. My other goal of weighing 65kilo when I get on that plane in Sydney on the 16th of April is now full-on with only 3 weeks to achieve it. So from this moment forward, it is "Game On" Watch this space for more updates.
It's a divine day here today with the sun shining, and when I got out of the pool after my swim, it was beautiful to feel the sun on my body.

I hope where ever you are in the world reading this that the sun is shining for you, and your day is everything that your heart desires.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

3 Weeks to my dream of Running The Boston Marathon

Wow, can you believe how times flies! Here we are 3 weeks out now until it all happens!!
One of the wonderful things that are happening that I wanted to share with you is the tremendous support that I am getting from all around the world. I can't tell you how much that means to me. The support network is awesome! I'm touched deeply by the e-mails, Facebook messages, it is quite amazing to me how people are opening their hearts to me. Thanks so much.
Tomorrow is another 30km and I'm ready for the early morning pounding of the asphalt. Tomorrow my goal is to beat my last week's time. That's one of the challenges. I enjoy beating myself with my distances and times. It's one way I can push myself that little bit further.
Today is a rest day and I am going to enjoy that. I have to say though, I am so revved up at the moment.
I could go out and run today, although I know that wouldn't be very useful for my overall training.

So, it is a great day today. Go out and be sure to make the most of it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I have my 'Bib" number for Boston WOO HOO!!!

Today is a great day as I now have my "bib" number for Boston... WOOHOO!!!
I was up and out early again for my 10kms run. Today Katherine and I managed to run alongside each other for at least 2kilometres. At one stage I asked her was she injured as I was keeping up with her. 
She said "maybe you are running faster" We had a giggle about that. Then it was home and into the pool for a couple of laps to cool down which was beautiful!
I'm enjoying the warm sunny days as we approach the end of March, and I'm thrilled to live where I live.
As I was reading my goals this morning and reading over my treasure map, I was thinking about how fantastic it is to just go for what you want in life. Goals and Treasure Maps are such a cool way to manifest what you are wanting. The key is to get your thinking right. As I have said before there is no room for "Stinkin Thinkin"
Be clear in your heart and your mind and then do the Action towards your goal and watch the Magic Happen. 

Today is the day to do some Action towards the Goals that you want to manifest in your life.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Clear out your clutter and move forward with Purpose

Swimming today and the sun is out so it is a gorgeous morning to be dipping in the pool. 
The dogs are walking around here patiently, waiting to go for a walk as well, so our house is buzzing with anticipation.
I think soon I will have to start counting the sleeps to Boston, as I am jumping out of my skin at what is ahead.
The other part of my excitement is that Jean and I are going to be catching up with some of our Freelife Family who we both Love to bits. Sean, our friend is going to be our personal guide, which is a very cool thing, and we are over the moon about hanging out with him.
Life is good and there is lots happening, and thanks to Ebay, so is some money happening for our trip. 
Its amazing what you can find when the chips are down, to sell and move forward. 
Katherine is the Ebay Guru and we always have such a good laugh when we drag something else out to sell that we forgot was in the cupboard right in the back corner. I have found clearing out the clutter is always a great thing to move you forward in your life, as the clutter is usually something old that is not useful to keep. So, moving forward is the order of the day. 

If you need to clear out the clutter to move forward with purpose in your life, do it now without delay. 
It has the capacity to change your life. BE GREAT!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I would like to Manifest a sponser for me for my trip to Boston

15 km and another beautiful morning, perfect conditions for running. Saw a couple of dead creatures on the road who didn't quite make it, a snake and very big cane toad. 
My treat today was the river and the magic of its calmness as I ran across a bridge. It was like glass, and I couldn't help feeling peaceful as I imagined I was gliding across the top of the glass. A beautiful experience.
One of the things I noticed this morning was, thinking about running another 15kms doesn't seem such a big deal for me. I guess that is what happens when you do something several times it almost becomes the norm which is fantastic. I seem to have grown in confidence as a result of having run quite a few longer distances. My approach a year ago is still the same today, which is "Just get on with it", however it does seem a little bit easier these days. My time is not that much faster however my body is so much stronger as I approach this Marathon. I would love to have a sponsor to help get me to Boston, as so far that has not happened, although, I have to say I have confidence that in the next 3.5 weeks something will manifest for me.

What about you? What are your manifesting skills like? What would you manifest if you could? That will give you something to think about! In the meantime BE GREAT!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Put your face to the early morning sun and feel your spirit rise...

I had another sleep in this morning until 5.15am and I enjoyed that. I always appreciate waking to the sound of the birds without the rain. 
Today was 10kms, and Katherine joined me and was encouraging me to go faster. Today she was eager to start pushing me in the first 2 kilometers which is not good for me, as it takes me a bit to get warmed up and in the zone if you like. I just kept laughing as she was telling me to "come on"
I think it's amazing as only a few months ago this girl had NO energy and found it very hard to wake up in the mornings. Now she is working out 6 days a week. I'm sure the major contributing factor is the Freelife product "Jule of the orient", of which she is drinking 120mls every day. 
For years I have thought she has had some sort of Cronic Fatigue, so it is very exciting to see her doing so well with her health and fitness.
My real treat, when I come home from a run, is diving into the pool, and today was no exception as the sun was shining on one end of the pool so I went up that end and put my face to the sun which is exhilarating. 
First thing in the morning I enjoy putting my face to the sun, I have been doing this for years. Try it some time it makes a difference to how you feel for the day. It must be the first thing though, you don't want to do this in the middle of a hot day.

May the Sun shine on your day today no matter what you are doing! BE GREAT!

Monday, March 22, 2010

300 abdominal exercises that sorted me out

Boxing this morning and it was fantastic, plus 300 abdominal exercises which always sorts me out. 
Bobby and Karina are so enthusiastic about their classes you can't help but get in the spirit of the class and enjoy it. The other part I like about the class is the music, it's my kind of music.
Yesterday we looked at how to pull together a book about my journey to Boston. It's going to be called 26 weeks to Boston. Its all looking good for release straight after I complete my Marathon. I need to put some more photos in and I will have to learn how to do that. Still, everything is possible. 
Only a few months ago I didn't know how to set up and write a blog on a daily basis and I have been doing that now for 22 weeks. I'm willing to learn how to do most things. I believe if you are willing almost everything is possible.
What about you? What are you willing to do in order to get what you want? 
I guess the other thing is, do you know what you want? Most of us know what we don't want. What would happen if you started to get what you wanted? 

It's a bit like my journey to Boston. Who knows what that will be like, to get what I have wanted for more than 20 years. The bottom line is to Stay tuned and stay Positive!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

30kms Great morning to be alive and fit!

I awoke at 3.45am and the rain was pouring down. I went through my ritual of preparation as I told you about a few days ago. All the time I was willing the rain to stop. I ended up having a conversation with Jean about life and the universe while I waited on the rain to stop. Finally at 4.35am it stopped, and out I went, thrilled to be on the road. 
About a kilometre down the road, I came accross a very drunk young man, who I scared witless as I ran up behind him, struggling along in his bare feet. I felt sorry for him when I saw  the look on his face. 
I'm not sure if he knew where he was going, and I was not in the position to help him. I had a shower of rain about the 7km mark, and that one I really enjoyed. I do go on about the rain don't I, however, I can tell you that if you get very wet feet in the first few kilometres, it makes for a very uncomfortable run for the entire journey. The other thing about wet feet is once your soxs get wet you open yourself up for very sore feet for the next few days. 
One thing I am clear about is I need to do everything I can to look after my body, especially when I have a long run like today. 
It is now several hours since the completion of my 30kms, and I want to tell you all " I feel fantastic!"

What can you do to help make you and your life fantastic? Whatever that is BE GREAT!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

4 Weeks to my dream of Running The Boston Marathon

Wow!! 4 weeks to go, how exciting is that. Well, the journey is well and truly happening, and in my heart, I know the run is going to be one of the sweetest moments of my life, that will stay with me forever.
We have just come back from walking the dogs along the river. Lots of people out enjoying the balmy evening walking their dogs, and children playing. What a perfect time just to hang out and enjoy the pleasures of the birds in the trees, the calmness of the river, and the gentle breeze on my face. 
The dogs are so excited to be greeting other dogs, some times they resort to barking which is not always a good way to start a friendship.
Tomorrow I'm running 30kms so it will be an early night for me. I'm excited to be able to stretch myself with these long longs. They are as much about my head as they are about my body, in terms of the preparation I put in. Then when I'm actually running, both of these things work together in a very powerful way in order to make the distance firstly and to ensure my recovery is excellent.

What are you doing that is requiring you to put in some effort? After all, you get back what you put in.

Friday, March 19, 2010

10kms Katherine & I running along together.. Magic stuff!

10kms this morning. Katherine and I went out the door together which was a good challenge for me as she pushed me along all the way. We didn't leave until 5.30am which was a bit late for me however it was good to have the company. We were running on the road and I was following her and it was fun to watch a couple of workmen nudge each other, to look at Katherine going by. She looks so good when she runs and it's exciting to see her getting stronger. I worked out I'm 27years her senior so if I can give her a good run for her money I would be happy. Even if it means following her and pushing myself to keep up with her in my sight. Today I did the fastest 10km I have ever done and, that's great! I then got in the pool and did a few cool-down laps.
I was so thrilled today to receive most of my things in the mail from Warragul. Now I can get on with the follow up of my fundraising contacts. Another exciting thing is that Katherine and I have decided to run the Noosa half Marathon on the 23 May. It will be another fundraiser for Carers of Alzheimer's. I have asked a few of my friends from Victoria if they want to join us and we can run as a team. They also have a 10km if you would like to join us please call me.
Well, it is all go from here. I am moving forward with a huge focus and commitment on the goal ahead.
BE GREAT! and follow your dreams with a clear direction.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

There is sooo much power in our thoughts isn't there??

The sun is shining, and it is a beautiful morning to be enjoying life. 
Today is a rest day, and it was fantastic to wake at 4.45ish and be able to roll over and go back to sleep for a while. A cup of tea in bed, which I love doing, and enjoying looking out at the sparkling pool through the bedroom door.
I think I have almost given up on receiving my personal effects from where I worked in Warragul, its a bit sad really that the few things I had there have not ever been returned. I guess there must be something to learn from that. At this point, I'm not sure what. I guess time will reveal all.
Life is interesting, isn't it! I'm glad that I am able to focus my thoughts on wonderful things and having good friends. 
It is said we run our lives on either Pain or Pleasure. I find it so cool to focus on the wonderful pleasures I have in my life.
What about you? What do you find yourself focusing on? There is so much power in our thoughts, isn't there? For me, it's important to stay where the power is. 

Remember "What we think we become" 
Stay with great thoughts and you will continue to BE GREAT!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

15kms today and time for a rest

The 15km run this morning was mostly dry in that it only rained for a very short period of time, and I found that quite refreshing. After swimming and cooling down, stretching, showering, and then breakfast, I  had a little nap as I was worn out this morning. 
It's not often I feel tired like I did this morning, and I know I am better just to go with the flow and rest. 
I endeavor to always be listening to my body, so I don't put it under too much stress. I'm up and about now and feel quite rested and ready for a day's work.
I've had a bit of a challenge with flying to Sydney on my way to Boston. I had booked to fly from Melbourne to Sydney as I thought I would be still working there. 
When I approached Qantas to change my flight to the Sunshine Coast to Sydney it was going to cost... wait for it $600 !! Can you believe that? I was gobsmacked, to say the least. So now I am flying to Melbourne (it's good because I get to see my friends) then to Sydney where I will meet up with Jean, and then we will be off to Boston. What a performance!
Some of you have had a few comments about my interview in "That's Life" magazine. 
Overall I thought it was a good article. I sure look different now when I look at that photo with Michelle after my first Melbourne half Marathon in October 2008.

Be sure and make today count! BE GREAT!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More soggy shoes running in the rain for my 15km

My poor old shoes are really been tested these last few runs, with the tropical showers beating down on me mid-run. All that aside this morning was a very good run, and I feel stronger and stronger the closer I get to Boston. 
The rain was still coming down when I went into the pool to cool down, and it was fun to be swimming in the rain once again.
When I weighed myself this morning, I have dropped more weight which is a great reward for my disciplined training and eating.  I am so close to the 60's now it's blowing me away.
The journey to Boston continues, the learnings keep coming my way. 
When I think of the adversity of the last 12 months, I know I am growing in strength for what is to come. The other side of the coin is, I believe I am having a lot more pleasure and laughter in my life, which I am very thrilled about. 
Even though it has been a very tough 12 months, I know it will be extremely worthwhile when I experience the immense joy and success, which is just around the corner.
What about you what has strengthened you in your life? 

Embrace the tough times, those times are preparing you for much more exciting times. 
Continue to BE GREAT!

Monday, March 15, 2010

My recovery is amazing me. I feel great!

I was up this morning at 5.15am and feeling strong and ready for a new week! 
Katherine and I went to the 6am Boxing class and one of the trainers asked if I was sore after running the 28km. It got me thinking about my recovery, especially the day after. I almost always feel fantastic and I am not sore from the run the day before. It has to be the wonderful products I am having as I can't put it down to anything else. I'm sure the Chi3Energy and the Jule have to be making a huge difference to me. I quite often hear trainers in classes mention soreness, and I wonder what a difference it would make if we talked about how strong & flexible our bodies are becoming with every bit of exercise we are doing. I wonder if there is an expectation or belief that we ought to be sore from working out? 
That "No pain no gain" thinking. Then again it could be about our thinking and having a positive attitude. I will ponder that some more.
Yesterday we had a family meeting about Boston as Katherine is so desperate to come with us. 
We talked about having goals and what it will take for all three of us to go. 
Having belief and taking massive action, will bring about us all being able to afford to go. We talked about what we could sell, and that was great, to see what we could let go of in order to meet our financial targets. 
It's such a good reminder about what commitment is required to realize a life long dream. I don't need to know the how bit I just have to be very clear about what I am wanting to achieve and stay focused on that. 

Belief Fuels Action. BE GREAT!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

28 kms this morning and I feel fantastic!!

My alarm went at 3.45am and I was up and listening for the rain. 
All clear I thought. Silence reigned outside. Its quite a performance getting myself out the door ..drink my Chi3 and Jule, put my cream on my upper arms so I don't chafe. Put my compression gear on. Get my fuel belt on with my 4 bottles filled with great stuff to help me along my way. Get my iPod in my ears and in my pocket. It's a bit like a comedy act really. Sox and shoes on and finally I'm ready and twenty minutes have already passed. 
Today I was out the door at 4.05am having a little chuckle to myself about the carry on to be on the road and running. Straight away I felt the coolness, and immediately I noticed my spirits lifted, as I know I do much better when it's on the cool side.
I was early again to the meeting point with Katherine at the 20kms mark, and that made me feel very good as I know I have done well with my time. Once she arrived, I filled my bottles again, and off we went for the last 8kms. That last 8 seemed to go really fast this morning. 
Jean drove up to cheer us both on, and that put a smile on my face. The three of us are working as a fantastic team supporting each other.
What about you? who is your cheer squad? 

However big the challenge is there needs to be support to match, in order to carry out the task. 
What's your challenge for this week? BE GREAT!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

5 weeks to go to running my dream of The Boston Marathon

A rest day for me today, however, I think a swim will be on the agenda as that will be good for my limbs.
I was doing some shopping yesterday and noticed the new issue of "That's Life", dated March 17th issue 11. My interview is in that issue and some of the information is not quite correct, however, I was pleased to see that my fundraising details were in there.
Life is good you know. We have so many opportunities to do whatever we want in this country. 
For me, the important thing is that we make the most of all of those opportunities. 
The other important thing is that I learn from some of the wonderful lessons that I have been given. 
I would like to think, that at aged 55,  I have learnt something from being on this planet that long. 
I am still after an adventure and never miss an opportunity.
I was wondering this morning what life will be like after Boston?
Jean always says that "Some people are tiptoeing through life hoping to make it safely to death"
What about you? Are you looking for a new adventure and opportunity? 
Or are you one of the people that Jean talks about? 

Are you, "Tiptoeing through life hoping to make it safely to death"?
Enjoy your weekend and BE GREAT!

Friday, March 12, 2010

17kms with the tropical rain smacking down on my face

17kms this morning. Katherine and I started out together and she was encouraging me to run faster which was really good for me. For someone who is allergic to mornings, she is certainly much brighter first thing. She is drinking the "Jule of the Orient", and I think it is making her more alive than ever. I have never seen her do this much exercise ever! 
Katherine left me after I had to make an emergency toilet break at the golf course, which is just one of those hazards of early morning running. The rain smacked down on my face several times today and I came home with very soggy shoes. One of the treats I give myself when I come home is to get into the pool to cool down, and my joints sure do appreciate that. I enjoyed today's swim as it was still raining and it was fun to be in the pool.
I had a letter yesterday from "That's Life" magazine and my interview and photos will be in next week's issue of their magazine. I must have got the dates mixed up last time. It will be a bit of a surprise when I see it, as it feels like ages since we did the interview over the phone.

What about you? What difference are you making in the world this week? BE GREAT!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My journey of Running Boston is changing my life!!

Rest day today, and what a welcome relief to stay in bed past 5am. I'm more than ready to give my body a break.
I'm a little sad today as I have not had my personal effects returned to me from my job in Warragul. 
My books with my fundraising information in them, and some artwork Jean gave me, plus a little gift my sister gave me for Christmas. It's now almost 4 weeks since that position finished and it is very sad not to have these home here with me. In some ways, they are just things, however, some of them have some sentimental value to me. My fundraising books are a real loss for me as they had some contacts phone numbers etc in them. I'm at a loss as to why I have not yet received them back to me.
On a brighter note yesterday I had a phone call from a couple of friends from the USA and we were talking about being in Boston and the gathering we are going to have with lots of people I know and love from that area. It sounds like I will have a few friends running alongside me in my Marathon, which is such a thrill for me. I feel in my heart, the journey of this Marathon is changing my life in a huge and positive way. Once I complete the Boston Marathon, my life will never be the same. Awesome stuff isn't it! 

BE GREAT! .....and grateful

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

20kms today and what a beautiful morning to be up and active

20kms this morning and quite a tough run. Good to be up and doing it though, as the mornings are so beautiful at the moment. Everyone has been out mowing their lawns, after the days and days of rain and the smell is so wonderful first thing in the morning. 
Once again when I thought I was doing it tough, this morning on my run I did think of the Carer who may have been up 4 times during the night and continues to Care for their loved one 24/7.
This is a very powerful way to make my run seem very easy, let me tell you! 
Remember there are 257,000 people with Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia in Australia at present and one million Carers. Makes my fundraiser at one dollar per Carer seem quite pathetic.
So what can you do to help? who do you know someone who is a Carer? They are everywhere you know, you just don't know about them. Keep your ears and eyes open so you can support even if it is in spirit.

In all, you do today, BE GREAT!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"To know a thing and not to do is not to know"

15kms this morning, and it was so good to run without my feet getting wet. I was pleased to feel the air a little cooler and to be able to really enjoy my time out on the road. 
Once again, with the day being so fine, when I got to the river there were lots of people out walking and running enjoying the day.
I have just heard this morning from one of my friends that I am not in "That's Life" this week. Sorry, they must have told me the incorrect date. I do hope that you did not go out and buy a copy without looking at it first.
I will keep you posted as to when you can expect to see it in the shops.
After all my talk yesterday to you about numerology and goals, I found myself picking up a book that I have had on my bookshelf for some time, called "The Life You Were Born To Live" Dan Millman (1993) I'm sure that some of you would have looked at this book. Even though it has been around for a while, I still think it has some value. Go and check it out and then you will know what I am on about. By the way, I'm glad I picked it up as it is revision for what I already know, or should I say thought I knew. 

What's the saying "To know a thing and not to do is not to know"  
How about you? What are you doing or knowing? BE GREAT!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Be Conscious with your daily tasks see what happens

Decided to go to the Boxing class again this morning, as I think all that abdominal work is very good for creating my new shape. Katherine came with me again and she does very well at this early morning stuff, considering she is allergic to mornings. We have an agreement that if I talk, I don't expect her to reply when its first thing in the morning! It's all good fun though.
Did I tell you that the interview I did with "That's Life" magazine last November, is finally going to be in this weeks issue, March the 10th. I don't even remember what the questions were they asked me now. What I do remember is that I sent them some photos. I guess we will have to wait and see what comes out in print. I just hope that they remembered to put my fundraising site in it.
This morning I have been looking at my numerology chart and wanting to make sense of it. I find all that stuff very fascinating, and I would love to understand how it works in life. I have been very conscientious regarding reading my goals every day and doing the required action around making them happen. 
I think it is all beginning to fall into place, which is a marvelous thing. I think it is a very powerful thing to do tasks in a very conscious way. 
If you don't know what I am talking about, next time you drive your car, do it in a conscious way. 
I bet you can't do it for long.. See if you can be present for your entire journey. You will know how long you can do it by arriving somewhere, and not remembering seeing things along the way. 

Attempt your tasks in a very conscious way today and feel the difference. BE GREAT!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fantastic Run this morning the 26kms went very well!!

I awoke at 3.45am and the rain had stopped, so up I got. I was quickly out of the door and filled with excitement and passion for my 26kms.
The darkness seemed to stay with me for ages, and I loved the coolness of the morning. I started out very strong and that's how I stayed all the way. I was even a little early to the meeting point where Katherine was going to join me, and that really thrilled me. By the time I met Katherine I had 20kms behind me. She gave me another Chi3 energy shot and off we went.
The other exciting thing to share is that last night I had a call from the CEO of Freelife International Raymond J Faltinsky saying he had missed me at the Convention in Sydney and to wish me well for my 6 weeks training towards Boston. He is a very busy guy so I was utterly thrilled to hear from him and it sure did make my day.
Life is good and I am moving forward now with more passion than I have had for a while. I know that the universe will treat me well, as it always has.
Having such a great run this morning has given me loads of confidence for the next 6 weeks training and the timing is perfect for me. 


Saturday, March 6, 2010

6 weeks to running my dream of Running The Boston Marathon

Now I have sorted myself out with how many weeks to go to my big dream. It is now in fact 6 weeks. With every week that goes by, the more excited I get, and right now I could scream the house down.
Went to my Ram Boxing class this morning with Katherine, and I just loved it. We did our usual set of 500 abdominal exercises, which is amazing. I don't even realize that we are doing them, we just get on with it.
As I write this the rain is pouring down again and in the morning I am to run 26kms. I am praying that the rain will stop before the 4am start that I have planned. Once again Katherine is going to join me for the last 6km, and that is a real plus, as it will give me an injection of energy right when I am needing it.
I am wishing for great things with my run in the morning, no rain, dry shoes, clear thinking and have fun while I am working my way through the kilometers.
What about you? What great things are you wishing and hoping for in your life? 
One thing this Marathon of mine has caused me to do is to wish for big things. 
Big things force you out of your comfort zone. 

Being out of your comfort zone creates the real person that you are. Above all, BE GREAT!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Turn your dreams into Reality.. Come join me in my Reality

I woke at 5am and the rain had stopped. I was delighted!! I know if I don't run in the rain and get soggy feet my shoes last a lot longer. Not to mention my feet feel loads better. 
Today was 17kms, and Katherine came the first few kilometers with me and that was great. 
Today I managed to keep up with her, or was it that she was feeling kind, and didn't race off? 
I'm not sure, however, who cares it was great! Once I was running along the river there were quite a few people walking their dogs etc and enjoying the morning without rain.
Did I tell you I have become very serious about my weight loss as I am hell-bent on achieving my goal of in the 60km for Boston? Oh, what the heck the real goal is 65kilos, and I am going to do it! 
I remember once in my life being in the 60's and that was very briefly in 1968. The difference is this time I am working on my body/ mind connection to bring the 2 together and this will create great success. 
So far I have dropped about 39 Kilos since my big blow out years when I weighed 110kilos, and decided I really had had enough! 
That was in 2006.  

What about you? What have you become serious about? Maybe it's your goals?
I say "Turn your dreams into Reality" like I am. BE GREAT! in everything you do and know it does count!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Staying focused on the Goal really works!

Swimming today in the rain! What a great way to start the day. I guess I must be getting used to the rainy season because it has taken me a while to understand that rain does not always mean cold. The temperature is ok and easy to be in. I'm saying all this because what I don't like is having a shower and getting dressed and feeling like I already need another shower because of the humidity and sweat factor.
Despite everything I have been saying about how many weeks to go to Boston, in fact, this weekend it is only 6 weeks as I have been counting the Monday of the Marathon as the final week. Sometimes I do silly stuff like that and I have to laugh about it.
I've had some more learnings this week and one of them is about being flexible and adaptable which is a cool thing to really get, and move forward with this knowing.
This morning I was looking at my training program and over the next 3-4 weeks its very full on so I'm really needing to take good care of my body. These last 10 days I have dropped another 2 kilos which is fantastic, and I'm very confident I will be in the 60...something Kilos when I'm on that plane to Boston.

How are you going with your goals? 
Stay focused as they will come to you if you are doing some Action.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Strangers with generous hearts....

At 5.30am it sounded like the rain had finally stopped. I quickly leaped up to check if the rain was falling on the pool, and I was right, it had stopped if only momentarily. 15kms again today and I thought I was up for it and in fact excited by it. Would you believe at about the 4km mark the heavens opened and down it came, and all I could do was laugh. If you had seen me out in it, you would have thought "who is this silly bugger running in the rain" The downpour didn't last long, and I quite enjoyed it. I was happy with how my body handled the 15km.
Yesterday I received an invitation to run with "The Elite Runners Program" in Boston. I'm utterly thrilled to say yes to this invitation. This has come to me as a result of my good friend Brian introducing me to his good mate Paul at my fundraiser dinner. From that, Paul's brother in Boston contacted me and hence the invite. His name is John, and I also have a couple of other invites to parties, which of course I will be going to in Boston.
Life is interesting isn't it how it gives us what we need. People have such generous hearts. This man John even invited us to stay with him and his wife! All of this has put me in excitement mode. Perhaps I ought to start counting the nights of sleep like my friend on Facebook.

  Above all else BE GREAT!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Walking instead of running this morning with the rain pouring down!

I awoke at my usual time ready to run and the rain was still roaring down. I think it has been raining like this for at least 48hours.The house feels like it could float away. I waited a little while to see if the rain would ease and it did not. I made an executive decision to walk my 15kms today with my hiking boots on my compression gear and a hooded raincoat. I did not want to ruin a good pair of runners and risk getting a cold as it was extremly wet underfoot to put it mildly! I set off with water bottle in hand and a good sense of humor and plenty of attitude to get me through the wild wind and the rain thumping down. The walk took me a bit longer than me running it however it was fantastic thinking time for me. Also mission accomplished.
Even though I started a new job yesterday, I feel like I still have my back to the wall. 
As a friend on Facebook reminded me the other day, that there are in fact only 50 something sleeps to go to Boston, and that really frightened me from a financial perspective. 
To be completely honest, right now, I have half a tank of fuel and enough money in my pocket to buy myself 2 coffees. Never before have I been in this situation. The one thing that surprises me is I am not panicking. At some deep level I know that we will have the money to live while we are in Boston for that week. Once again I guess it is belief. Belief in the universe and me being in the right place at the right time and all will be well.
As I walked in the downpour this morning, I thought what a privledge it is to have a job. I have learnt over the last few weeks how much power money gives you. Second thing I have learnt is that the whole philosophy of  "Paying it Forward", needs to be given with the right intention, to avoid resentment. Third thing I have learnt is that the value of the fight or flight mechanism, in order for me to survive, is a wonderful gift.

Well this has been my longest blog and I'm told they are not suppose to be too long, however who cares this is what I wanted to write. BE GREAT!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Belief Fuels Action

The rain thumped down most of the night. It is amazing to me how much noise rain can make.
Went to "Ram Boxing" again this morning, and would you believe we did 500 sit-ups! Fantastic core work for my running. I feel so good afterward. Katherine is also getting right into the classes and it's great to be able to team up with her to work out.
Someone sent me an e-mail last week to ask if I was still going to Boston with 8 weeks to go and no income. Just in case it was something you were thinking, let me tell you NOTHING will stop me going to Boston. Even though I've had a few hard weeks they have been my strengthen weeks, and I believe it is all in the plan for Boston. As yet, I'm not sure how it all fits into the big picture. I just have to keep the belief level up.
Some more good news is I start a new job today, so that will start some money flowing to me and to my Boston trip, so that is fantastic. As I said yesterday I'm blessed and I feel excited about what is ahead.

What's exciting for you? Do you know that Belief Fuels Action? Action will give you excitement.