Running My Dream, 114 Boston Marathon, April 19, 2010

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Always know why you are getting out of bed everyday !

Good morning, and thanks for all your good wishes after my big Boot Camp Win yesterday. I'm still very thrilled and excited about my Boot Camp effort.
A few of you have asked how I keep going, so I thought I would give you some helpful tips.
Take what you want and throw the rest away.
I always have 120 mls of my GoChi juice every day. Usually 60ls in my water bottle (1 liter)
The days I am exercising I have my shot of Chi3 Energy 60mls before I go out the door.
The top two are from Freelife International and you can buy them from me if you want a high-class product.
I always have Endura in my water bottles when I'm running or working out.
I drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water every day.
I wear the right gear when working out. I love 2XU products they protect your body!
I have at least one Protein drink per day. If I have fruit I almost always have protein with it.
I have one protein bar per day.
Have a Goal, stay laser-focused. Every day, know why you are putting your feet on the floor to get going after a good night's sleep. Rise early so you can have some quiet time, its good for your soul...

Last thing SMILE and always appeal to the good in everyone you meet.

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