Running My Dream, 114 Boston Marathon, April 19, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

100% Challenge requires 100% Support.........

Warm and a little overcast here this morning, cool weather for being out and about! 
So much for saying how strong my body is, this morning I strained a muscle so had to do a lot of walking to get home. A great reason to enjoy the day and the sites around me. I noticed just how dry it is on these farms I pass most mornings, its a wonder there is any feed for the animals. I was watching these tiny rabbits playing on the side of the road, the delight they gave me, and the worry of course being so close to the road.
I have rung now to get a massage from another Boot Camp Buddy Nicole so all is well. What's the saying "To Thine ownself be True" I'm a great believer in the idea that if I want to challenge myself 100% then I must provide support for myself 100%. I think that is true of most things because I alone cannot provide support for everything I do. That's the value of teams. We all bring something special and different to the group. The important aspect is to know what you bring that is special and different, so then it becomes a real win-win.
So what is it that is special and different about you and who can you team up with to make a difference?
Now I've got you thinking. That is my intention. 

Look in the mirror and see who you really are!! BE GREAT

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