Running My Dream, 114 Boston Marathon, April 19, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"To know a thing and not to do is not to know"

15kms this morning, and it was so good to run without my feet getting wet. I was pleased to feel the air a little cooler and to be able to really enjoy my time out on the road. 
Once again, with the day being so fine, when I got to the river there were lots of people out walking and running enjoying the day.
I have just heard this morning from one of my friends that I am not in "That's Life" this week. Sorry, they must have told me the incorrect date. I do hope that you did not go out and buy a copy without looking at it first.
I will keep you posted as to when you can expect to see it in the shops.
After all my talk yesterday to you about numerology and goals, I found myself picking up a book that I have had on my bookshelf for some time, called "The Life You Were Born To Live" Dan Millman (1993) I'm sure that some of you would have looked at this book. Even though it has been around for a while, I still think it has some value. Go and check it out and then you will know what I am on about. By the way, I'm glad I picked it up as it is revision for what I already know, or should I say thought I knew. 

What's the saying "To know a thing and not to do is not to know"  
How about you? What are you doing or knowing? BE GREAT!

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