Running My Dream, 114 Boston Marathon, April 19, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Be filled with Optimisim & belief as it will fuel your action

Great day today, and it is even cool here which is a wonderful thing for me and my running. I had a lovely run, and on the way home Katherine ran with me for a little while, and then she left  to rescue a beautiful dog that was out on the road. Must be something about this family and dogs we always seem to find the lost ones don't we.
Let me tell you about boxing last night. I was last in the room and just in time to start the class and it was hot and humid. The 2 people taking the class loved the room being hot as it makes you work harder. 
So here I was, no fans, and quickly I made friends with copious amounts of sweat that was dripping off me. There were about 12 of us in the room and it was full on, with the Trainers alternating the training, which meant no let up at all for the participants. We did some focus pads work and that was each individual having a turn with the 2 trainers, like I said no let up. 300 sit ups, stretch and thanks for coming. Fantastic! came out into the warm night air and felt very alive and full of optimisim for the training that is ahead of me.

What do you feel optimistic about? Life is soooo good there is so much to be looking forward to don't you think? BE GREAT!

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