Well, this morning I was sacked via a text message received at 7.17am. I have reflected a lot today as to whether I share this information or not, however, this blog is all about my journey to Boston. My journey includes the good with the bad and sharing my continued desire to run in Boston on April 19th, 2010.
So here I am, 10 weeks out to going to Boston and no income, quite frightening really however it must be time for me to move on and get out of my comfort zone again and seek work. I'm certain my job in Warragul had run its race really just a matter of who made the first move.
One thing for sure I am very focused on my goals and looking forward to my 26km run in the morning. This time it will be run in Melbourne which will give me some very different things to look at. I'm looking forward to the stillness of the morning and it will give me some time to do some more reflection. This is a time for me to stay strong and move forward with a big desire in my heart to be successful at the job at hand which for now is preparing for the Marathon of my dreams.
One thing for sure I am very focused on my goals and looking forward to my 26km run in the morning. This time it will be run in Melbourne which will give me some very different things to look at. I'm looking forward to the stillness of the morning and it will give me some time to do some more reflection. This is a time for me to stay strong and move forward with a big desire in my heart to be successful at the job at hand which for now is preparing for the Marathon of my dreams.
Let's all move forward together!
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