Reminds me of the book "The Hundredth Monkey". Read it if you haven't already as it will make you think about the power we all have.
I'm really enjoying my running, more than ever before. I think the difference is my body. I'm really up for the challenge ahead and these last few runs I have been racing myself, and my time. I have been checking my time at 3kms, 5kms, 7kms and that last 3 this morning I was really going for it!
I saw my beautiful dog friends again today, they were waiting at the gate. I love how they jump up for a pat and lick. They are so thrilled about life it's fantastic!
I'm really enjoying my running, more than ever before. I think the difference is my body. I'm really up for the challenge ahead and these last few runs I have been racing myself, and my time. I have been checking my time at 3kms, 5kms, 7kms and that last 3 this morning I was really going for it!
I saw my beautiful dog friends again today, they were waiting at the gate. I love how they jump up for a pat and lick. They are so thrilled about life it's fantastic!
What are you thrilled about in your life? What makes you smile? Who can you help to smile today?
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