Who needs an alarm when you are into a habit such as I am, of getting up early. They say it takes 48 days to start a new habit. I'm not sure about that. I just know, that once I start something it is very easy to follow once I'm in the groove of doing it, no matter what that thing is.
It was a great morning to take the dogs to the park and they were thrilled to be out and about. One thing about being in Queensland is that the people do like to get up early and drink in the wonderful new day. I'm back to Gippsland today, and on with the next part of my journey.
I'm very excited about the journey I'm on, even though in some ways I have no idea where it is going to take me. All the journey does, is encourage me to be very clear about where I intend to go and then I watch all the pieces fall into place. You never need to worry about the how of your goals, because the Universe takes care of that. The important thing is to always keep your eye on the goal.
What about you and the habits you want to create? Doesn't take long to create them, just have to keep doing the thing until it is second nature to do it. Think about that.
Remember "What other people think of me is none of my business" So get on and do what you want!
Remember "What other people think of me is none of my business" So get on and do what you want!
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