Today is a 10km run which I have already mapped out, so I know exactly where I'm going.
I've got my compression pants on, my City to Surf hat, and City To Surf singlet on.
Ipod in, music set, belt on with 2 water bottles. Drink my Chi3 Energy drink and yes I'm ready to go.
I walk outside. The fog is low, the magpies are greeting me with such sweet song, and that alone is worth getting up for. Today is not as cold as other mornings I have run.
It's uphill for a while, and this morning my friend Judy joins me for the first part, and about 1km later we part. Then I get into the zone with the music full-on to push me forward along the path.
I walk outside. The fog is low, the magpies are greeting me with such sweet song, and that alone is worth getting up for. Today is not as cold as other mornings I have run.
It's uphill for a while, and this morning my friend Judy joins me for the first part, and about 1km later we part. Then I get into the zone with the music full-on to push me forward along the path.
As I move onto the gravel path, alongside the creek, the ducks are out and about. Eight of them are having an early morning gathering and it looks like they are discussing what they are going to do for the day.
As I run, I say good morning to the usual walkers/runners along this well-worn track.
Today I have given myself a good hill climb to test my robustness as that is what will be required for Boston. I manage to run all the way up and as I get to the top I run right into the fog.
With that comes a cold wind, full-on in my face. Not far from home now. I look forward to the shower as it will be such a welcome friend when the warm water runs all over my body.
Once home I finish with a few stretches and at 54 yrs old this is as important as the run.
Tomorrow is Boot Camp morning starting at 6am and already I am looking forward to that...
Once home I finish with a few stretches and at 54 yrs old this is as important as the run.
Tomorrow is Boot Camp morning starting at 6am and already I am looking forward to that...
Stay tuned ...
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